Premium Package - Large
From 8,000-13,500 Sq. Ft.
Weekly final price is based on 4 services Per Month*
Bi-Weekly final price is based on 2 services Per Month*
One-Time is for 1 service per month.
Discounted prices for Weekly or Bi-Weekly is only available when paid in full by month to month basis.
*If month has 5 weeks, additional charges may be required.
Rate may increase due to overgrowth, steep grading and excessive obstacles.
From 8,000-13,500 Sq. Ft.
Weekly final price is based on 4 services Per Month*
Bi-Weekly final price is based on 2 services Per Month*
One-Time is for 1 service per month.
Discounted prices for Weekly or Bi-Weekly is only available when paid in full by month to month basis.
*If month has 5 weeks, additional charges may be required.
Rate may increase due to overgrowth, steep grading and excessive obstacles.
From 8,000-13,500 Sq. Ft.
Weekly final price is based on 4 services Per Month*
Bi-Weekly final price is based on 2 services Per Month*
One-Time is for 1 service per month.
Discounted prices for Weekly or Bi-Weekly is only available when paid in full by month to month basis.
*If month has 5 weeks, additional charges may be required.
Rate may increase due to overgrowth, steep grading and excessive obstacles.